- Nobuhide Sekine, Yasushi Nakajima, Takahiro Kamo, Masahiro Ito and Wataru Nakao, “Advanced Ceramics with Dual Functions of Healing and Decomposition“, Materials, 17 (2024) 647. [scientific paper]
- JangWon Lee, Yuki Akutsu, Wataru Nakao, “Mechanical properties due to competition behavior between damage and recovery of self‐healing fiber‐reinforced ceramics“, International Journal of Applied Cramic Technology (2024) 14669. [scientific paper]
- Nobuhide Sekine, Wataru NAKAO, “Advanced Self-Healing Ceramics with Controlled Degradation and Repair by Chemical Reaction“, Materials, 16 (2023) 6368. [scientific paper]
- Wataru NAKAO, Fumiya ISHIBASHI, Yutaka NEISHI, Shoichi SUZUKI, Naoto MATSUI, Takashi IWAMOTO, YoshiyaFUJITA,Fudamitsu AMANO, Takuhiro EGUCHI, Masaharu MIYATA, Nobuhiro SHIBUYA and Morimichi KAI, “Kinetic Analysis on decarburizing of Spring Steel”, Transactions of Japan Society of Spring Engineers, 66 (2021) 97-106. [scientific paper]
- Wataru Nakao, “Current Status and Future Plan of Self-healing Ceramics which enable to Heal Cracks Completely”, Journal of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 73 No. 11 (2019) 24-29. [commentary]
- Natsuko KIMURA and Wataru NAKAO, “Useless of Al4SiC4 for Self-healing Agent”, Journal of the Technical Association of Refractories, Japan, 39 (2019) 210-215. [translated paper]
- Natsuko Kimura, Takashi Fujii, Keiichiro Kashimura and Wataru Nakao, “Joining of Al2O3 Rods Using Miscowaves and Employing SiC Particles as Adhesive“, Processes 2019,7,750. [scientific paper]
- Natsuko Kimura, Takashi Fujii, Keiichiro Kashimura, Wataru Nakao, “Microwave Heating Behavior of Al4SiC4 in 2.45 GHz band“, Journal of the Japan Society of Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications 3 (2019) 40-45. [scientific paper]
- Kyohei Takeo, Yuya Aoki, Toshio Osada, Wataru Nakao, Shingo Ozaki, “Finite Element Analysis of the Size Effect on Ceramic Strength“, Materials 12 (2019) 2885. [scientific paper]
- H. Ueshima, W. Nakao, “Investigation on Effectiveness and Shape Recovery Ratio of Shape Recovery Self-Healing Plastic“, Key Engineering Materials, 810 (2019) 125-130. [International Conference Proceedings]2019.07.02 Online
- W. Nakao, T. Hayakawa, T. Yanaseko, S. Ozaki, “Advanced Fiber Reinforced Self-Healing Ceramics for Middle Range Temperature“, Key Engineering Materials, 810 (2019) 119-124. [International Conference Proceedings] 2019.07.02 Online
- T. Yamazaki, Y. Furuya, W. Nakao, “Experimental evaluation of domain wall dynamics by Barkhausen noise analysis in Fe30Co70 magnetostrictive alloy wire”, Journal of Magnetic Materials and Magnetism, 475 (2019) 240-248. [scientific paper]
- Wataru NAKAO, “Development of Ceramics with Self-Healing Ability“, Journal of Japanese Society of Tribologists, 63 (2018) 812-817.[commentary]
- N. Kimura and W. Nakao, “Usefulness of Al4SiC4 for Self-healing Agent“, TAIKABUTSU, 70 (2018) 203-208. [scientific paper]
- T. Yamazaki, T. Yamamoto, Y. Furuya, and W. Nakao, “Magnetic and magnetostrictive properties in heat-treated Fe-Co wire for smart material/ device“, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 5 (2018)17-00569. [scientific paper]